If you enjoy jogging or riding your bicycle at night, not only is it the law in many states that you must have minimum visibility requirements, but you life can depend on it.
When a motorist can not see you to avoid hitting you either on foot or on a bike, you are in danger. It is important to be as visible as you can. There are a number of great ways that you can add visibility to your person without compromising style or comfort. If you remember the reflective strips from years ago, you will remember them as stiff and uncomfortable when used on clothing and that they didn't stick very well to bicycles and wound up peeling off not long after you stuck them on. If this has stopped you from being a safer jogger or bike rider - look into what the new generation of safety and reflective tapes and wear have to offer you.
Jogalite arm and leg bands are fantastic for making both a biker or a jogger visible at night or in low light conditions. The movement of the arms and legs of a biker or jogger and the reflection from the bands will draw instant attention from passing drivers to your presence and allow you to be instantly safer during your favorite recreational activities.
Just because it gets dark earlier during these upcoming winter months does not mean you have to give up jogging or riding your bicycle, just be smart and be safe about it and use reflective wear that will let you keep doing what you love to do safely.

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