If you love to ride your bike and find yourself riding after dark frequently; there are some state mandated regulations that both adults and children need to be aware of when they are riding their bicycles in order to be street legal. Even if you ride on even your own neighborhood streets, these requirements must be met.
As you know, the highway codes of all states treat riders of bicycles the same as drivers of vehicles. However certain nuances apply to every state. Some states allow the riding of bicycles on sidewalks and others do not. Within every state, every municipality has a different set of rules and regulations for cyclists.
All states require that a bicycle have a white light producing head lamp on any bicycle that is in use after dark. New Jersey regulations require the light emitted to be visible from 300-feet. Additionally, New Jersey regulations require that a bicycle have a rear lamp that emits a red light.
Besides riding your bicycle within the confines of the law, you want to be visible to vehicles and other types of traffic above all. If you meet the requirements of a highly visible headlight lamp and rear light (if your state requires it); go a step further an ensure you are visible by reflective belt or a cap that will enable the light to reflect off your body no matter which direction a vehicle is coming from.
Riding your bicycle is fun and also fantastic exercise, know the rules and regulations and set a good example for your kids by riding safe!

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