When you are an avid biker, you know that you can't always ride in the daylight. There are times when riding at night is more logical, such as when the days are too hot in the summer. However, when you choose to ride at night, there are a few safety precautions you should take and having a reliable bicycle light is one of the most important. Sure, you should wear reflective and bright clothing and such, but a bike light is something that will stand out more to everyone on the road. The best bicycle light is one that will last a long time. After all, no one wants to deal with changing their bike light every other week.
The best bicycle lights last around 100,000 hours, which means you will rarely have to change them at all. They are quite bright as well, allowing others to see you from up to 1,500 feet away.
When you have that type of security in a bike light you can guarantee you won't go unnoticed. You will never have to worry about being on a long bike ride at night and your bike light going out. Getting stranded without a light at night can be quite dangerous indeed. In addition to using great bike lights on bikes, you can also use them in other places. Often times those who like to jog at night will use a bike light to get noticed by others on the road. This is a great safety measure. Putting bike lights on strollers and wheelchairs are also a fantastic idea. Most accidents occur because of lack of visibility. If drivers can see you, then they can avoid hitting you. So, be sure that you do your part to stay safe while out at night.
By: Deena Leiman

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