The kids are back to school and their safety in getting to and from school will again be at the forefront of most parents' minds.
If your child walks to school or rides a bus, sometimes the time they need to leave in the morning will mean it is still fairly dark. Older children definitely don't want their parents walking with them and most will have a set group of friends they enjoy walking to and from school or the bus stop with. No matter which group your child falls into, a way to make your child more visible to motorists is a great idea.
Reflective tapes are one great way, they can be placed on jackets and backpacks and are held in place temporarily by a sticky backside or they may be sewn in place for permanence. Also, you can opt for a professionally made reflective backpack that has wide reflective strips on the straps and across the back of the backpack and it will allow your child to easily be seen whether he is walking with or against traffic.
reflective backpack is especially useful if your child is in an area where fog forms on a regular basis and he winds up walking in it, the reflective nature of the tape on the backpack will pick up the light from coming cars and alert the driver to your child's presence before he is even in view.
Use those tips to make your kids more visible and increase their safety whenever they are away from their parents' watchful eyes.

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