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Saturday, June 23, 2012

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Safety is important every single day, but safety awareness is particularly prominent during the month of June thanks to National Safety Month. National Safety Month is dedicated to promoting safe driving, safety classes and other useful tools available to the public. The National Safety Council joins together each June, and they encourage various organizations and businesses to participate in National Safety Month.

Each year, the National Safety Council creates different themes for each week in June. In 2012, the weekly themes are Employee Wellness, Ergonomics, Prevention and Driving Safety. There has been a big emphasis on safe driving over the last several years, and the National Safety Council is using this month to make people aware of safety classes and other resources.

Car accidents related to cell phone usage, alcohol abuse and more have been skyrocketing lately. Many people are involved in accidents because they are unaware of the serious dangers that are involved with careless driving. National Safety Month focuses heavily on teaching people to drive safely. There are many resources available for people to learn about safety while driving.

On the National Safety Month website, visitors are encouraged to pledge to drive without using their cell phone. Many people drive while talking or text messaging on their cell phones; this is one of the most common causes of fatal accidents. The website features free online training opportunities for parents, drivers and more. There are also National Safety Month posters available that encourage people to drive safely. In addition to posters, employers can download a variety of free resources to give out to employees. These valuable resources include a Driving Safety Fact Sheet, a Driving Safety 5-Minute Talk, a Driving Safety Article and a fun crossword puzzle about safety.

The National Safety Month website also provides a list of statistics and additional resources that anyone can take advantage of. On the Safe Driving Week page, visitors can read statistics about car accidents involving cell phones. For example, 77% of drivers admit to answering their phones while driving, and 41% admit to making calls while driving. Both of these tasks are very dangerous, and a NSC webinar is available to help educate people on these startling statistics.

Additional resources on the website include a video series about distracted driving, a distracted driving report and other various tools for employers. National Safety Month is a valuable time to learn essential information about driving safe. 0 Comments


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