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Thursday, June 07, 2012
Bicycle Spoke Lights
If you enjoy riding your bike at night or in the very early morning, you definitely need to invest in bike tire lights. The reasoning behind this is pretty obvious: without proper visibility motorists can easily collide with you. This can cause severe injury as well as possible legal ramifications as well; don't assume that it will be judged the motorist's fault just because you were on a bike. Let's take a look at some of the ways that lights for your wheels can help make biking a safer experience for you.

Increased Visibility

Everyone knows the old adage of wearing white when walking at night to increase your visibility to motorists so that you don't get hit by a vehicle. When biking you need to take things to the next level because it can be much harder to spot a bicyclist than it can be to spot someone walking. Additionally people walking can do so on the safety of the sidewalk where as cyclists don't have that luxury.

By investing in bike tire valve lights you're able to drastically increase the visibility of your bicycle, especially from the sides. This will let motorists know you're there and ensure that they don't slam into you unexpectedly. This is practically essential if you're planning on riding in an urban area where there can be a decent amount of traffic.

Types of Bike Tire Lights

In addition to the standard reflector style lights there are other kinds of bike tire valve lights you may want to consider. Flashing lights tend to be popular due to the fact that not only do they increase visibility, they also attract more attention. This is due to the fact that the human eye is more adept at detecting motion with peripheral vision. This will ensure that careless drivers who only see you out of the corner of their eye are more likely to notice you.

Other lights come in florescent colors or eye catching spiral patterns. These are also great because the eye catching design also increases visibility and reduces the chance of you getting hit by a car. Not only that, but they look really cool to and will be sure to get plenty of compliments.

Keep in mind that when you buy these lights for your wheels that the spinning motion of the wheel itself affects how the lights looks as you ride. This can produce a number of neat effects and really make your bike look amazing at night. Just because these lights are primarily for safely doesn't mean that they can't look cool too.


In the end it is a great idea to get lights for your wheels if you like to ride your bike at night or in the very early morning. Not only is this a major safety issue but it also takes into consideration the general aesthetic of your bike and can really make it look amazing. Also don't forget that in addition to sustaining serious injury from a collision, most insurance companies won't insure your bike, so if it gets destroyed you're out of luck. Invest in bike tire valve lights and protect yourself as well as your bike. 0 Comments


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