Hi Everyone,

I am sorry we haven't written for so long. A lot has been going on. We are busy working on getting our products for sale on Amazon. We've also added many
new great safety products to our site DontGetHit.com.
We are now getting ready for a local Child Health and Safety Fair this Sunday (which we do every year) and preparing for the first time to have a booth by the
Police Security Expo in Atlantic City.
One of our great new products are
Beetle Lights, now being sold in 5 amazing colors: Red, White, Blue, Yellow and Green. In the past we've only sold these fantastic universal silicone lights in red, white and blue. We've now added yellow and green LED colors to make all of
our outdoor runners, bikers etc. really visible with multi-color lights.

It is has come to our attention thanks to our wonderful customers feedback that many states have a law in place for bikers not to use blue lights. This is to insure that regular cyclists should not be confused with law enforcement.
Here is a link (provided by a customer in CA) to the CA state motor vehicle's law on blue lights for bicycles:
Another neat product for runners are
LED Knuckle lights . These innovative lights fit comfortably on your hand with no need to adjust the beam, as it will move along with you as you run.
If you happen to be by the Police Security Expo, please drop by and say hello.

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