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Monday, April 29, 2013

 Safety at Work

Work Zone Safety:  These words could mean the difference between life and death.
According to the National Safety Council statists, in 2003 there were 4,500 workplace fatalities… and 3.4 million American workers suffered disabling injuries.
So with these statists, shouldn’t Work Zone Safety be on one’s mind Every Time one enters a work zone to avoid “An Accident”?
“An Accident”, this is something that some people think to themselves, This Won’t Happen to Me. Well there is much to be said about   “An Accident.”
 First of all, one should not think,
Ø      I am only going to be here for a few seconds.
Ø      I don’t need to put on a hard hat, or a reflective vest.
But the truth is (it only takes a few seconds) for “An Accident” to happen. And a few seconds could mean the difference between life and death. A few seconds could mean the difference between being able open one’s eyes in the morning and being able to see the sparkling sun. A few seconds could mean the difference in not being able to get out of bed EVER AGAIN, and just doing the simple task of getting dressed, or making a hot cup of coffee. 
And what about the gift of being able to use one’s own two legs, and being able to walk outside on a gorgeous spring day, this doesn’t seem like such a hard task. But in just a few seconds, if one does not use traffic and safety equipment in a work zone, one may not be able to use one’s own two legs.
Just a few seconds, could also mean the difference between being able, or not being able to use ones five senses, and being able, or not being able to communicate to family and friends, or even just being able to do a simple task like thinking.
To avoid such tragedies, doesn’t it make good sense to take - just a few seconds – to use safety equipment, to put on a hard hat, or a reflective vest? 
Likewise; highway safety equipment such as banners, Wide Load, or Oversize Load, slow moving vehicle emblems, and fluorescent flags, also help to prevent “Accidents”.  Because when driving long distance on the highway, there’s no one directing traffic away from a slow moving vehicle, there’s no one standing in middle of the road, holding a fluorescent stop sign, and controlling moving traffic. So these vehicle safety banners, emblems, and fluorescent flags are a good way to warn motorists of traffic pattern changes.  These signs alert them, to slow down, and keep a safe distance away.
All in all, using Trafficand Safety Equipment helps to save lives. And when using safety equipment, then one can hopefully say. “The Accident Won’t Happen to Me.” 

Barbara Martin 1 Comments


Anonymous Gary Bryant said...

Wearing something reflective while conducting activities outside is just good common sense. Sadly many do not heed the advice given to them with sad consequences as a result. This reflective gear is even more essential now that drivers are not paying attention by using cell phones to talk and text while driving.

10:52 AM  

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