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Monday, October 28, 2013
Even though it has a headlight, a taillight and a red, rear reflector the rear reflector is blocked by the rear cargo bag. This is one reason why I think a taillight should incorporate a red reflector. (credits to S. Scott from Florida) 0 Comments
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
You may have noticed that the nights have been getting longer. Depending on where you live you may be doing your morning commute to school or work in the dark at this time. Especially now in Oct. before the clock is set back, morning visibility is extremely important. A customer and friend of mine from Indiana is school bus driver. He many times has to pick up children when it is still dark. He gives out reflective slap bracelets and reflectors to stick on to mail boxes so that he can see the students and their stop.

Here is a graph that he made (for his area). 0 Comments
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