to the NSC’s research, in the summer…rollerblading…has the highest fracture
rates per weekly hours of exposure. And the wrist is the most commonly injured
body part.
So here
are some safety tips to help keep you safe:
your skates before starting out.
your limits.
you haven't skated in a while, start off slow.
out for others!
where you skate!
Before starting out, check
your skates; know that the wheels are
on tight, and that they are in good condition.
Know your limits. Sometimes ones physical abilities are pushed further
than they should be. So if you haven’t skated in a while - take it easy - until
your body adjusts to the rigors of exercise.
Watch out for others. Just yelling WATCH OUT doesn’t mean that people will
be able to get out of your way quick enough. A good idea would be to carry a
whistle. Blowing a whistle will warn others that you’re coming their way. Don’t
get road rage, its counterproductive here. If necessary, Be Prepared to Stop,
don’t run them down. Running into people with your rollerblades can cause
serious injury.
Watch where you skate, because when rolling around, there are many
interesting attractions to see, and this may distract you from watching the
road. So be sure to watch out, even for
small rocks, potholes or even cracks in the sidewalks. Even small obstacles can
cause rollerbladers to fall.
Also, take precautions to
avoid heat stroke.
According to NIOSH, heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer
control its temperature. When this occurs, body temperature can rise to 106° F
or higher within 10 to 15 minutes.
The Pennsylvania Department
of Health recommends:
two to four cups of water every hour.
drinks with caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar.
light colored clothing…
a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen with an SFP of 15 or higher.
After taking these safety
precautions into consideration, enjoy rolling around town. Whether you’re doing
it for fun, or doing errands, PLEASE STAY SAFE.
Barbara Martin