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Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Three students from Belleville, NJ
October is walk to school month and today October 5th is walk to school day.

The walk started in 1994 in Great Britain with a couple of schools and now has expanded to 40 countries and millions of walkers participating. (You can read more about it at )

Walking or biking to school keeps kids healthy, and improves the air quality and environment. Of course safety is a great concern and with the help of the National Safe Routes to School program many safety measures are taken in the US to insure our children a safe walk to school.
Wearing reflective gear is a good idea because visibility can be low on a foggy or cloudy day or it may not be totally light yet. Some good ideas for children walking to school are Reflective stick-ons for coats and bags, reflective backpacks and a reflective collar. Please let us know your safety ideas for kids.

(You can still use our coupon code SchoolSave20 for 20% off all of our reflective tapes and accessories!) 0 Comments
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