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Monday, January 24, 2011
The police in NY have told the NY Post that they will be cracking down on cyclist disobeying the law.

Some common ticket-able offenses are as follows:

• Failure to yield to pedestrians
• Changing lanes without signaling
• Riding outside a bike lane (where one exists)
• Speeding
• Tailgating
• Turning without signaling 0 Comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Assemblywoman Tucker has proposed a bill in NJ to require anyone riding a bicycle on public NJ highways or land to pay a $10 registration fee every 2 years. If not paid cyclist can get a $100 fine.

This new bill will discourage some people to ride their bikes on NJ's beautiful bicycle routes or to use their bicycle in general for exercise or transportation in NJ.

Please contact Assemblywoman Tucker either by calling her office ( 973-926-4320) or e-mailing her.  You can also leave a message for her on the New Jersey Legislature website.

See full article about this proposed Bicycle Registration bill at: 0 Comments
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Delaware Department of Transportation takes safety to the next level by having bicycle safety checkpoints throughout the year where they fix bikes, give out items such as reflectors,  lights, helmets, etc to those in need. This year they will continue to give out Bright Ideas head and tail light combos. The combos they are using are item 8005. The added reflective glass in this bike light combo insures the cyclist will be seen even if their lights are not on. 0 Comments
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