NJ cyclists under 17 please read the following
"Effective March 1, 2006 young people under the age of 17 are required to wear an approved helmet when cycling, roller skating, in-line skating, or skateboarding. In the past the law affected riders under the age of 14. We urge you to share this information with your residents.
Each year, bicyclists are killed or injured in New Jersey due to bicycle crashes. Many bicycle deaths result from bicycle-motor vehicle collisions. However, injuries can happen anywhere, including parks, bike paths and driveways, and often do not involve motor vehicles.
Head injury is the most serious injury type and the most common cause of death among bicyclists. The most severe injuries are those to the brain that cause permanent damage. Bicycle helmets can prevent or diminish the severity of these injuries.
The Division of Highway Traffic Safety assists county, municipal and law enforcement agencies with education, public awareness and enforcement of the bicycle helmet law and other bicycle safety issues.
For more information on the new law and other bicycle safety issues, please go to The Division's website at
www.saferoads.com " (info from the following site:
http://www.millstone.nj.us/notices.htm )

Did you know? "There is no federal law in the U.S. requiring bicycle helmets. The states and localities below began adopting laws in 1987, mostly limited to children under 18." (
www.helmets.org) See a list of helmet state safety laws at the following address:
http://www.helmets.org/mandator.htmLaw or not, anyone who wants to be safer should wear a helmet when riding a bike.
Sticking reflective stickers on your helmet is an easy and cheap way to enhance your visibility and safety.

Will You Be Seen In Time Poster
Reflectors Save Lives! Wear One!
Feel free to print this poster to hang in order to promote pedestrian safety and wearing a reflector at night
Will you be Seen in Time

Welcome to Bright Ideas USA, Pedestrian Safety Blog.
In this blog we will be addressing the issue of Night Visibility.
Check out our blog daily to see the latest in NJ laws, news & products related to sports safety and night visibility.
Please tell us your experiences related to being safer at night and when playing sports!
Thanks for visiting!